Why Travel Medical Insurance Is So Important

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Travel medical insurance is an insurance package that offers certain medical coverage while traveling. These plans are similar to that of normal health insurance policies, but are associated with traveling. Travel medical plans consist mainly of one of two types of policies, namely temporary travel medical plan and permanent travel insurance program.

To acquire travel insurance, an individual needs to pay a monthly premium to the insurance company through a travel agent. The company then pays for all medical care required by the customer while traveling.

International travelers, who travel frequently, mainly require this type of insurance. There are various choices to be made amongst travel health insurers, which offer help to numerous traveling people. If travelers develop some medical troubles outside their country, these travel programs provide them with all the necessary medical assistance and protection.

These travel health insurance scheme provides hospital security benefit of $100 or more per night, for travelers going outside the US. They also provide $15,000 and more to cover suitable medical expenses for previous health conditions. These are the most attractive feature of these travel plans.

Reasons To Get Travel Insurance:

Is travel medical insurance necessary or waste of money? This is a common question arising in the minds of many people, when they think of a travel insurance program. There are certain reasons that show how important travel health coverage can be to a traveler.

While seeking an affordable travel package, people need to pay attention to its price structure. Most of the available travel medical plans are of low cost. The traveler is ready to spend the vacation money for fun, but chances of medical complications can add extra money. To avoid this, it is very necessary to buy a cheap travel health insurance package.

Most medical policies provide health care assurance all around the world. However, they do not offer full amount as per the coverage. For instance, if a person is traveling on a cruise ship, the basic health insurance plan will cover only 50 percent of the doctor's visits on the ship.

However, the medical travel package covers the full amount and sometimes more. Therefore, travel insurance programs are the best choice for international travelers to protect themselves while relaxing.

Many travel medical insurers offer policies, without a medical or health examination. The package takes care of all the medical expenses associated with any medical crisis, while traveling.

Final Advice:

Travel medical insurance provides peace of mind, during your entire trip. To make the vacation more enjoyable without any hassles, it is very important to have travel medical insurance. For those travelers, who have previous medical history this is even more important.

Travelers with previous history have a high risk of medical complications during traveling and there is no chance of extra expense, if they already have travel coverage. You really don't want to take the risk of not having it.

A travel agent generally offers the travel health insurance when making bookings, and a large number of travel agents, who provides these policies, are available online. To conclude, travel health coverage provides an extra level of comfort and deals with all the medical complications get a quote below.

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Bolivia - Travel Destination Tips on Where to Go

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When in Sucre cheesy as the 'dino mobile' looks a trip to the dinosaur footprints will exceed your expectations.  The cost of a visit is cheap and the prints are extensive - it's just such a shame & quite unbelievable that such a treasure is still part of a working quarry.  The prints scale a sheer rock face which shakes with dynamite explosions from the base even as you watch - let's hope that UNESCO win their battle and these footprints are preserved for future generations.

Do not miss the world wonder which is the salt flats of Uyuni.  There are 2 choices of trip - either a 1 day trip out to the salt flats & back or a 3 day trip across the salt flats and on in to San Pedro De Atacama - Chile.  If Chile is on your travel path then this is probably the best trip to take as you will see all the attractions of the salt flats along with the red & green lagoons & flamingos.  The 1 day trip will however cover the salt flats element and from Uyuni you can get an overnight train down to the border with Argentina.  These trains do not leave every day though so worth checking before you arrive to avoid a prolonged stay in Uyuni.  Once in Uyuni every shop is a travel agent and trying to choose who to go with blows your mind - all offer pretty much the same thing the decider needs to be how good their English is and the state of their vehicles.  All operators have books with reviews from previous travellers so have a read of these before you decide. 

La Paz is the unofficial capital of Bolivia and  the biggest city at high altitude in the world.  It´s a fascinating city, full of markets .. including the notorious witches market where Bolivians buy llama foetuses which hang in the doorways of all the shops - they´re believed to bring good luck if placed in the foundations of a building. For all those that have read ´Marching powder´ - yes the prison is still there but unfortunately when we were there nosy backpackers were no longer permitted access (although in Bolivia money talks so if you're feeling brave it could be worth a try!).

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Your Medical Insurance May Not Cover You When You Travel

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If you open your passport to page two, you will see a warning that says that anyone who is considering foreign travel should find out what travel medical health insurance coverage, they will require while they are outside the United States. For any US citizen going abroad, Medicare does not cover the medical care costs outside the US and US territories, except in rare cases in Canada and Mexico.

In fact, it might surprise you to learn that many international travelers travel without appropriate and adequate insurance protection. US Government sponsored health insurance programs, like Medicare, are highly unlikely to cover any emergency medical care that you may have to receive in a foreign country.

Even employer sponsored plans usually have limited overseas coverage, for emergency care only, provided you can prove the emergency. Whether you are traveling on business or for pleasure, you probably have gaps in your travel medical coverage that you are not even aware of.

Always remember that adequate travel medical insurance is critical for any international travel. Getting good healthcare may be a tricky business in itself in some parts of the world.

Some hospitals, the world over do not provide treatment or allow a discharge until they receive a guarantee of payment. In most cases, such a guarantee can most easily be provided by your travel medical insurer.

So, if you don't have adequate cover, you may have to pay in thousands of dollars advance, with your credit card, provided the hospital accepts a foreign credit card, which many don't.

In addition, in that pinch situation, your card must also have a large enough credit limit to cover the estimated cost of medical care.

Also, getting sudden medical evacuation, to return to the US, where the healthcare is of a known level and your regular insurance is good enough, can be even trickier.

Local authorities usually have tie-ups with certain evacuation companies, which may not recognize either your credit card or your domestic insurance.

Most of the travel medical insurance plans, however, include medical assistance benefit giving you 24/7 access to a creditable evacuation company or will actually arrange for an evacuation through their own medical personnel.

If you have medical insurance cover in the US, assess the plan that you have. Check with your insurance provider and determine exactly what kind of coverage you have, under the existing policy.

If you feel that the provided cover is not enough, have your travel medical insurance cover increased before you ever leave home. If you don't already have insurance, you know how difficult things can sometimes get. Think about how much worse it can be in a foreign and unfamiliar country.

There are three major types of travel medical insurance coverage to be considered before you leave. Most reputed travel insurance products will offer either all three of these, or, at least two of them:

- Supplemental medical and accident insurance pays for the doctor and the hospital bills. May sometimes include dental care as well as medications. Does not cover preventive care, including annual physicals.

- Medical Evacuation plans take care of expensive evacuations which can cost as much as $50,000. In addition to the insurance cover, they should provide assistance in arranging the evacuation.

- Trip cancellation or interruption plans cover you financially in case you suddenly need to cancel or interrupt your trip for a medical reason. If you can't take the vacation because of a personal or family illness, the insurance will reimburse you for the non-refundable parts of the trip.

Find and purchase a comprehensive, secure and worldwide travel medical insurance plan. Don't leave home without it.

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10 Tips For Safe Travel Abroad

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Book ahead

It is tempting to turn up at a town and find a place to stay once you arrive, but it does pay to book your accommodation ahead - if your transport is delayed, you could arrive at a new destination in the middle of the night, and the last thing you want is to be running around, looking for a hotel! If you are intending to travel to a place in peak season or during a festival, booking ahead may be essential for you to find anywhere to stay.

Buy your travel insurance...

Given how easily you can buy cheap travel insurance online, there's really no excuse for travelling uninsured. If you are a frequent traveller and you are concerned about price, consider investing in annual travel insurance - the savings can be considerable.

...and read the policy!

Don't just buy the first cheap travel insurance policy you find and leave it at that. Make sure your travel insurance will cover you for any activities you are going to take part in (especially any dangerous sports), and make sure you read up on any exclusions in the insurance. Thinking you are insured when you are not can lead to some very expensive holiday mistakes!

Watch out for conmen

In many countries, tourists are common targets for conmen and pickpockets. Travel insurance can help replace any items that you lose as a result of theft, but by keeping your eyes open and your wits about you, such problems can be prevented. Conmen often work in teams, so if a stranger bumps into you or spills something on you, don't let yourself be distracted - watch out for their partner who may be trying to rifle through your valuables!

Don't flash your valuables

Another way to avoid attracting conmen is to not show them anything valuable in the first place. Be careful about displaying jewellery, digital cameras, expensive watches, and other valuables while you are aboard, especially if you are in marketplaces or in poorer areas. Make sure you ask permission before you photograph any locals, and be especially careful about photographing near military installations or airports - in some countries this is regarded as espionage!

Email your details

The internet isn't just a good place to pick up cheap travel insurance online - it can also be used to store vital information that you can access anywhere. Email any essential information to yourself before you go, including any details of flights, credit card numbers, passport numbers, insurance information, helplines, embassy information and so on. If you lose any crucial documents, all you have to do is check your email and you'll have the full details you need.

Copy your documents

Make multiple copies of all your essential documents, including your passport, flight details, any booking confirmations, and travel insurance policy. Leave one copy with friends or family at home, and take another copy with you on holiday (keep your copies separate from the original documents!)

Be careful with your cards

If you are relying mainly on cards to withdraw cash, try and take more than one card (a debit card and a credit card). Keep one of them on your person and the other hidden away in your room or in a safe, so that you have access to funds in an emergency.

Spread your cash around

Don't carry all of your money in one place. Carry a "mugger's wallet" with a small amount of cash and no vital cards or documents in it, so that you can surrender it if necessary. Take a mixture of cash and travellers cheques on holiday with you; the latter can be replaced if they are stolen.

Use the hotel safe

It's an obvious facility that a surprising number of people don't use - the hotel safe is the perfect place to store your valuable and irreplaceable items.

Some holiday disasters can be avoided, others are just down to plain bad luck. But running into trouble doesn't have to ruin your holiday - by taking a few precautions (and of course, by taking out some good quality travel insurance!) you can make sure that you have a relaxing and stress free holiday.

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How To Save Money On Travel Insurance

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Travel insurance policies are a great way for travelers to protect their investment and cover themselves financially while away on vacation or a business trip. Both travel and demand for travel insurance are ever increasing and cover is now available through many different insurers. This article will discuss a number of ways to save money on travel insurance which all you should know about if you are looking for a policy.

Start with a Basic Plan and Go from There

One of the first ways in which you can save money on your travel insurance policy premium is to start with a basic insurance plan and work your way up from there. Many insurance providers will offer basic travel plans and then provide options for adding on other types of coverage. For example, a basic insurance plan for travel needs may include trip cancellation protection and cover for lost or stolen luggage but the individual will have to add on additional facets of coverage such as medical expense reimbursement and personal effects coverage. By starting with a basic plan, you are able to pick and choose which additional benefits suit you. This will save you money in the end by keeping off benefits and features which are unnecessary for you.

Forgo Deductibles

Some insurance companies will have an excess or deductible amount attached to the policy in addition to the set premium. This is something which can cost the individual more should they need to make a claim on their insurance for some reason or another. Not all insurers will have an excess, therefore it is a good idea to shop around and look for policies with minimal or no excess for claims.

Consider Annual Travel Insurance Plans

Travel insurance policies come in many different forms. Some are single-trip policies whereas others will provide benefits and cover for an entire year. Although annual travel insurance plans are more expensive than single-trip travel insurance plans, they may save the insured money in the long run.

If the individual travels on a frequent basis, buying an annual insurance plan will often be in their best interest as it will cover them the entire year for all of the trips which they embark on. When comparing that to the price of paying for individual policies each and every time you travel, obtaining an annual travel insurance policy will often be the best way to save a lot of money and have peace of mind knowing that year-round coverage is present.

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