Affordable Travel Insurance

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With this you can make your trips safer. If you are setting out for your trip and planning to do a lot, then ensure your future plans with travel insurance. It will give you coverage necessary to deal with unforeseen situations that may occur while you travel. This is certainly useful, but not all of travelers have enough money to afford it.

With affordable travel insurance, you can spend your money with care, as it is affordable even to those with tight budget. It is available for a lower rate, but the coverage is not the same in some cases. For this reason, it is essential that you carefully look through the coverage offered by a package. Generally, this type of insurance doesn't cover your whole travel costs; it covers only a part of it. However it is still better than nothing.

Approximately, you can get affordable insurance for about 3 per cent of the cost of your trip. In comparison with paying 5 per cent of the cost for traditional travel insurance. If you are purchasing your travel package online or if you are consulting with a travel agent you will find better prices for it than if you seek for it by yourself.

Affordable travel insurance doesn't essentially mean that the quality is lower and is not similar to traditional travel policies. Travel agencies realize that most individuals do not look at it as a need. They have also worked out that if they offer it at an affordable cost than their rivalry it can be a key feature for some individuals to make their choice in favor of them.

When purchasing affordable insurance, remember to compare prices. As well as this, make comparison of the coverage offered by several companies. It is important to get clear information about everything you are interested in; if you do not understand even a single issue then you can ask any question to the insurer that comes into your mind.

Certainly you never know when an unforeseen occasion, like illness or some other health problems, will cause you to call off your travel plans. And that can really get a thing of disappointment without having travel insurance, as it makes everything easier. In this case the insurer will help you to postpone it or will give you a compensation for it. Even though if you can just manage to pay for affordable insurance, you will get a partly reimbursement and you can use that money on the purpose of rearranging your travel plans.

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Travel Accident Insurance When the need for

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Travel accident insurance programs generally provided to those who want any form of insurance for themselves while driving inside the country and to try to secure their financial risks in case of accident or incident.

Travel insurance protects your health and covers risks to health, while most are not there. It includes evacuation alert 'Travel Medicine' and''that have securedin case of emergency during the trip. Plans in the short term than immediate, even 5 days to one year and usually covers accidents, illnesses and emergencies.

Provides accidental death and dismemberment insurance for eligible individuals who are traveling for business or pleasure. One of the courses has come to insurance companies concerned. In the case of recovery of business travel, it is usually the company that he / she works serves as the guarantor of Individual.

Insurance is always a concern for most travelers.

All persons eligible to be covered for 24 hours a day, throughout the world against accidental death and dismemberment. Most coverage spans from the time when running an eligible person leaves his place of residence or employment, or independent of place of origin of the trip.

The continuity of a path to the next, what has been said, will not be covered by> Insurance. Insurance does not cover losses that occur during this period of time, except to indicate what has been said. All travel procedures and conditions must be consistent with what has already been approved by both parties.

Sometimes, travel insurance does not go to certain activities which could be described as dangerous or hazardous by insurance companies.

There are someConditions under which the travel accident insurance is not covered, even if they occur, both fatal and non-fatal accidents, incidents such as suicide, attempted self-destruction, and diseases of all kinds, bacterial infections, such except those caused by accidents or injuries.

Most travel insurance plans pay the agreed amount to the beneficiary you have chosen for themselves. In case of accidental death while traveling orunforeseen accidental circumstances, will be the amount or your benefactors ever paid under the circumstances.

After completion of formalities, insurance and naming beneficiaries, you can change whenever you want with advance notice. Usually return accidental usually are compensated with a lump sum of money.

Even if, if, select the recipient, he or she is able to deposit the entire amount or a portion of the death of a staffInto account by the insurance company. Funds may be withdrawn if and when necessary by checks written against this account.

Of course, there are several advantages of insurance for passengers, especially if the mode of travel is unknown, or unknown. In this case all the dangers and inconvenience may be requested by insurance companies depending on the type of insurance held or made available.

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The Most Luxurious Train in the World - Rovos Rail

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Back in 1986, Rohan along with friend Phil Acutt attended an auction of railway carriages. The seed had been planted in Rohan's mind, he along with Phil would restore and rebuild these magnificent custodians of a bygone era into authentic replicas of steam travel within Africa. Lofty ideals without doubt but this is where the experience & knowledge of Geoff Pethick came to the party. As a team, an ever growing team of enthusiasts, eager amateurs, family and admirers, the fabric of Springbok Steam Safaris, a name vetoed by the authorities, emerged as Rovos Rail.

Romantic, convivial, historic, authentic without a shade of doubt but along with these superlatives came a fair share of challenges. The cost of restoring not only the coaches but steam engines, maintaining the high standard set by Rohan himself often required the man of vision to seek advise and support from the ever growing team of supporters of his often scorned initiative. Very much guest driven is one of the key aspects found within Rovos Rail.

What will you experience as a guest on board Rovos Rail? Well for an investment of US$28K you and your partner will witness and partake in their annual Cape Town to Dar Es Salaam Grand Tour. Fourteen days of unique and hugely diverse vistas, crossing four countries in unbridled luxury the essence of Africa literally unfolds before your eyes. Attention to detail is part of the norm, your Rovos Rail management team will know instinctively your internal time clock, your need for privacy mingled with the need to be social. Off train excursions are designed to extend your knowledge and experience in a number of divergent ways. Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Wonders of the Worlds and a World Heritage Site awaits you, history and culture as old as the sands of time come into vivid reality. Africa will wow you !

Rohan and his inimitable creative team have developed a very special tour to celebrate the ultimate journey, Cape to Cairo in 2010. This once in a life time opportunity spans the length of Africa. Commencing in January 2010 here in Cape Town incorporating both rail and vintage Rovos aircraft, the better part of one month will see each of their privileged guest's span eight countries between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. This journey is designed for the traveler who has 'done' everything else and now wishes to experience an in depth sojourn at world class safari properties, absorb the magnanimity of African deserts where the colour spectrum is repainted every day, to places where history and culture has shrugged off the mantle of the western time frame dogma finally settling each invigorated guest in one of the most populated cities in Africa, Cairo. Pyramids, Sphinx and the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities awaits. This twenty eight day journey could be called unique, this would however be a hopeless understatement of reality. It will be an opportunity to understand how a man of unrivalled vision seeks to impart his passion of superlative travel in Africa with others. For the fortunate few who take time to do this, it will reinforce the greatness of life in Our Africa.

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Critical Illness - A Friend Indeed!

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One of the problems of modern day life is the continuously rising prices of every commodity. Today, a stage has come when one can rarely expect to buy a commodity without grimly considering various pros and cons. In this scenario, one can very well understand the plight of people when they are confronted with sudden and unexpected expenses. The situation becomes precarious when the expense is such that it cannot be overlooked. Illness is one such expense that falls into this category, and critical illness further complicates the matter.

The situation is further worsened when one does not have money to get oneself treated. It is here that medical insurance comes into play and arranges for the treatment of the patient, with the concerned individual not having to pay a single penny, no matter how expensive the treatment is. The value of medical insurance can, therefore be easily understood. It is godsend in such desperate times when one is suffering from some critical illness.

Illness, definitely can be said to be the worst time in one's life. It is a time when one is at his weakest, physically as well as mentally. If one is suffering from some critical illness, then his plight is even more desperate. It is in times like these that medical insurance prove its worth and helps people in arranging their treatment with no financial contribution required from them at all.

No doubt, therefore that in the times of critical illness medical insurance is the only answer. However, to gain maximum from it one has to read the offer very carefully. Special attention needs to be given to check the fact that whether the policy comes to existence as soon as it is signed, what are the illnesses that one is protected from etc. One should also ensure that no wrong information is provided to the insurance company. If these steps are taken, then there is no reason why medical insurance would not prove to be extremely beneficial to people.

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Do You Need International Travel Health Insurance?

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There are tons of vendors that would like to convince you that if you are going to be traveling abroad you need international travel health insurance. But is that really true or is this just a ploy to sell insurance? If you travel without international travel health insurance you are simply foolish.

The trouble is that so many people that are going on vacation have already invested so much in their travel costs that towards the end they begin to get a little stingy and don't want to part with any more money. At the end of that spending list is travel insurance which too often gets ignored.

There are people on both sides of the fence - some say you are wasting your money with international travel health insurance while other say don't leave home without it. For anyone that's done a great deal of traveling they already know what the right answer is.

Whether it's a flight that's cancelled, personal property that goes missing, lost luggage, a minor medical problem, or a serious medical issue outside your home country the right international travel insurance plan can keep you cool as a cucumber and out of further debt.

Before you decide one way or the other there are some things that you need to consider. Is this your once in a lifetime vacation? Perhaps a smart idea to have all your basis covered and not have to worry about loosing that opportunity of a lifetime. Perhaps a little extra investment in flight cancellations, medical insurance, and luggage loss might pay off should something befall you on your travels.

If you are going for a long stay abroad make sure that your travel health insurance covers serious medical occurrences. You might be surprised to discover just how weak the medical portion of your travel insurance is so make sure that you ask. Some plans only cover the cost of the physician and not hospital time or medication. Others only cover a designated area and if you decide on a whim to travel to another area you won't be covered.

There are all kinds of plans and all kinds of companies waiting to sell you travel insurance of all types. You can even get insurance for terrorist events if you like. There are many components that can be incorporated into travel insurance. There's medical, accidental life, trip cancellation, lost luggage, dental, and more. Experts suggest you research a travel insurance plan thoroughly and make sure you are completely aware of the details of coverage before you buy. That includes deductibles, wait times, and a host of other details. Always read the fine print.

Comprehensive package deals will most likely cover a little bit of every major aspect of your trip including basic trip cancellation, luggage loss, and a basic medical and/or dental plan, but, once again, shop around and be sure you really are covered.

So to answer the question - Do You Need International Travel health Insurance ? we must say - International travel health insurance should be as essential as your tickets to your destination. Shop online and save a bundle plus you can price compare really easy. So what are you waiting for?

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4 Reasons Why You Should Visit Paris

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If you haven't yet figured out why many people have made it a point to visit Paris, France's capital city, it is likely that you haven't gone to Paris, the "City of light" yet. If you are thinking about going for a much needed vacation from your work's stresses and pressure, or you have thought about visiting other places, why not decide on going to Paris then? Here are a few reasons why you should visit Paris:

Visit Paris to see and explore world famous landmarks. Paris is known to have iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower which was originally built in 1889 as a temporary construction but remains standing to this day and became the ultimate symbol of Paris. Other world famous landmarks that can be seen and appreciated in Paris are the cathedral Notre Dame de Paris which was built in the 12th century; and the Napoleonic Arc de Triomphe. These world famous places and landmarks can only be seen and appreciated in Paris.

Visit Paris to have a glimpse of the past. One can have a glimpse of the world's past by visiting historical landmarks such as the 13th century Sainte Chapelle, and the Palace of Versailles. In addition to this, arts and artifacts made during the middle ages are available at the Musée Cluny and those that have been created during the impressionist eras are at the Musée d'Orsay. You can also visit Invalides museum, the burial place of one of France's most famous personalities and one of the World's most successful conquerors, Napoleon Bonaparte.

Visit Paris to see famous works of established painters and artists. The city houses the Louvre museum, considered as one of the world's most important museums and which is home to the famous Mona Lisa and the Last Supper of world renowned genius Leonardo da Vinci. The Louvre reportedly hosts up to 6 million visitors a year who are eager to see the world's most famous paintings and works of art. You can also see the works of Pablo Picasso and Rodin in the Musée Picasso and Musée Rodin respectively.

Visit Paris to experience the world's best food. Paris is known to be home of the finest foods and drinks in the whole world. Take a sip of the Parisian coffees and have a taste of world famous Paris gourmet and pastries. By visiting Paris, you will understand why Paris caters one of the world's finest foods and drinks.

The next time you are planning a well deserved vacation, make it a point to have Paris as one of your destinations. You will not regret visiting a world class city with the elegance no other places in the world can bring.

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Advantages of Whole Life Insurance

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What can we get or what do we benefit if we buy a whole life insurance? We buy life insurance or any general insurance to have security. We are consumers that tie in the mutual benefit with insurance company. We give them business and they provide us coverage; both the parties are getting advantages. We are paying money to buy products that we need, so before we buy we are supposed to know how the product benefits us, therefore we should know the advantages of the product if we are buying this policy.

There are advantages for other policies, but if you are buying life insurance, you should know types of insurance available in the market. After you read them and if you are interested to know more about the product then you should find out more on advantages of whole life insurance.

The advantages of whole life insurance are

o The insured receives guaranteed death benefit, no matter how he died, whether by illness, old age or accident; the beneficiary will receive the proceeds after the death certificate of the insured is issued.
o The premium of this policy is fixed; the insurance companies reserves no right to increase the premium as the insured grows older or diagnosed with serious disease.
o One of the advantages is the cash value, this is always attractive. This cash value can be borrowed out in terms of financial need in the future, or the buyer can cease to pay the premium for sometime if he is in financial straits.
o The coverage can increase and is adjustable, the insurance company will pay the policy holder interest. This interest will add in the policy holder's coverage. For example if the buyer has an initial coverage of $50 thousand he may have an increased coverage of more than this amount.
o Moreover, for those started young may have additional benefit such as accident indemnity or hospital benefit.
o The proceeds are not subject to tax.
o In some countries the life insurance buyer benefits tax rebate, his income tax can be deducted from his annual premium.

As you can see, there are many advantages of this product. In my humble opinion, you may discover more as there are knowledgeable and competent life insurance agents can tell you more about advantages of whole life insurance with their experience.

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The First Western Women To Travel To Nepal-Read What One Of Them Had To Say

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Today, Norm Goldman, Editor of Sketchandtravel and Bookpleasures is honored to have as our guest author and writer, Sally Wendkos Olds.

Sally has written about family, children, women, relationships, sexuality, psychology, health, and travel, and has authored several books.

Sally has also contributed articles to: McCall's, Ms., New York Times Magazine, Redbook, Woman's Day, and many other major publications.

In 1993 Sally and artist Margaret Roche trekked to the remote village of Badel located in the eastern hills of Nepal. They were the first western women to go there.


Sally, could you tell our readers something about yourself and why you wanted to trek to Badel? How many times have you returned since your first trip?


I had trekked in Nepal twice before with my husband, Mark, who was fulfilling a boyhood dream by going there. In 1987 we went to the Annapurna region and in 1991 to the Everest area, and I fell in love with this little Himalayan kingdom.

I became entranced by the remarkable sweetness and cheerfulness of the Nepali people. In spite of their poverty and hard lives, none of the Nepalis I had met showed bitter, hostile, or even resigned faces to the world. I wanted to learn more about them - and I wanted to learn what they could teach me. I eventually did both.

Mark, whose knee gives him trouble, did not want to go back to Nepal. Through serendipitous circumstances (which I describe in the book) I met Margaret Roche, an artist who had also trekked in Nepal several times, and we decided to go together to a remote hill village and stay with local families. We went to Badel for the first time in 1993, and we returned together three more times, plus one trip each on our own. I have now been to Nepal seven times.


Where exactly is Nepal, as well as Badel? How easy or difficult is it to travel to Nepal and what can travelers expect once they are there?


Nepal is a narrow, crescent-shaped country about the size of Florida, with a population of about 27 million. It lies north of India and south of Tibet, separated from it by the Himalayas, the youngest and highest mountain range in the world. It's easy to get there if you don't mind multi hours in the air and in airports changing planes. Getting to Kathmandu, the capital, from North America involves about 20 hours of flying time. Badel, in the eastern hills due south of Mount Everest, is reached by a 35-minute flight from Kathmandu to a small airstrip in the village of Lamidanda, and then by a three-day trek, since there are no roads into the village.

Kathmandu is a lively, crowded city of half a million. It's full of the roar of motorcycles; the beeping of horns by taxi drivers swerving around sacred cows resting in the middle of busy thoroughfares; and men and boys trying to sell you carpets or hashish or the all-purpose nostrum "tiger balm," change dollars on the black market, or take you for rickety rides in bicycle rickshaws.

Much business takes place on the street - and also in the many shops and in the restaurants serving cuisines from around the world. Religion too takes place in the streets, dotted with Hindu and Buddhist shrines and temples.


I noticed you had written an article about a Himalayan Seder-Passover in Kathmandu. What was this all about?


For about the past dozen years a group of Lubavitchers from Brooklyn (New York) have held an annual Passover celebration on the grounds of the Israeli Embassy in Kathmandu, flying over some 250 frozen kosher chickens, countless jars of gefilte fish, and scores of boxes of matzo.

Israel and Nepal have cooperated with each other since 1960, and Nepal is a popular travel destination for young Israelis, especially after they complete their military service. About 1,000 Israelis come to this seder every year, and in 1993 I was lucky enough to be able to join in.


As many of our readers are interested in romantic destinations, could you describe some unique and romantic destinations in Nepal, and would you recommend Nepal as a romantic destination?


I would recommend Nepal as a romantic destination for any couple who enjoy visiting exotic cultures and getting to know each other in a totally new environment.

* Those who like hiking, camping, and the beauties of nature can experience all these in Nepal. Kathmandu, the capital, offers 5-star hotels and simple guesthouses, top-flight restaurants, gorgeous Himalayan vistas, artistic splendour, and fascinating sight-seeing and cultural opportunities.

* Pokhara, in the geographic center of the country, is known for its stunning natural beauty, with a gentle climate, tropical flowers, a sapphire lake, and magnificent mountain views.

* At Chitwan National Park in the south, you can ride on elephants, go white-water rafting, see tigers, rhinos, and some fifty other kinds of mammals, as well as 400 species of birds.

* The world-renowned Tiger Tops Jungle Lodge provides luxurious accommodations and food, and a number of more modest lodges are in and just outside the park.

* Along popular trekking routes you can either camp out in tents or stay at teahouse-lodges, some of which are high-end, while others are humble. Tour agencies can make all your arrangements for any of these destinations, or you can go independently and hire your own guides.


You are the author of a book entitled, A Balcony In Nepal: Glimpses Of A Himalayan Village. Could you tell us something about the book and what made you want to write the book?


The book is about the way of life in Badel, a remote hamlet in Nepal's eastern hills, and how Marge Roche and I were affected by our visits with the people there.
Through our guide, Buddi Rai, the first university graduate from Badel, we were able to meet and talk with the village midwife, headman, school- teachers, shamans, and other citizens. We learned about marriage, birth, death, and many other customs. Some of the people we met have been immortalized by Marge's graceful drawings and water- colors, which are in the book.

At first we thought this way of life would go on forever, but now I wonder whether we may have witnessed the twilight of a changing way of life. The nine-year-old insurgency in Nepal by Mao-inspired guerrillas, has affected village life and sent many villagers to new lives in the cities. Still, some aspects of life in Nepal's many regions without electricity or roads will probably endure for years. And once peace returns, the inherent sweetness and friendliness of Nepal's people will, I am sure, have survived intact. I have to add here that although the rebellion has sparked violence in many outlying areas, no tourists have been targeted, and visitors from around the world continue to come to Nepal to experience its many treasures.


As a follow up, can you explain some of your research techniques, and how you found sources for your book?


For this book, unlike the other nine I have written, most of my research involved living in the country and observing the people and events around me. I was what anthropologists call a "participant-observer."

Although I took a few lessons in the Nepali language before I left the U.S. most of my conversations with local people were translated by Buddi, our guide, who speaks excellent English. My sources were right there in the village. I did expand my knowledge of Nepal's history and culture by reading scholarly books, most of which I purchased in the excellent English-language book stores in Kathmandu. Through them I learned about the Gurkha soldiers, the many different ethnic groups in Nepal, the succession of rulers, and other aspects of the country and her people. I'm happy to say that A Balcony in Nepal has been republished in India for the Southeast Asia market and is now available in Kathmandu.


What challenges or obstacles did you encounter while traveling to Nepal? How did you overcome these challenges?


The main challenge was the physical one. Before every trek I trained for months. I hiked on hills and walked up and down flights of stairs (up to a total of 1,000 steps), so that I would be able to master the endless hills of Nepal. (You don't have to be a super-athlete, however; I was 53 years old when I first went, and 70 on my last trip.)

I also needed to be immunized against a number of diseases. And I always took with me supplies of medicines, including antibiotics against intestinal and respiratory illness, some of which I did experience. I also took out travel insurance in the remote possibility that I would need to be helicoptered out of a remote location.

Once there, as in any Third World country, I was careful about what I ate and drank, and I made sure to get enough rest after the strenuous days of trekking. For the most part, I'm happy to say that I stayed in good health and returned safe.


Since the first time you traveled to Nepal, what changes have you noticed over the years with each of your return adventures?


When I first went to Kathmandu in 1987, the streets in Thamel, the back-packer neighbourhood where I have always stayed, were dirt roads; now they are paved. Garbage pick-up was a matter of stray dogs and sacred cows eating from piles in the streets; now trucks come by every morning.

The number of gourmet restaurants, high-end shops, and 5-star hotels has mushroomed over the years. Communication with the outside world has become more widespread with the advent of email and the Internet, and the cities are full of inexpensive cyber-cafés. In the villages solar power has enabled the use of house lights and television sets.

One change in Badel was brought about with Marge's and my help - we raised money to fulfill Buddi's dream to start a library in his village, and we saw it in operation. Another change I wrote about in the book was the plastic surgery that corrected cleft lips in two village children - and gave them new smiles and new lives.


When did your passion for writing begin? What kept you going?


As a child I wrote poems and stories, and in college I majored in English Literature, but my real passion for writing did not begin until after my first child was born, and I began to write articles about infant care. I went on to write about women's and children's health, and other subjects including the civil rights movement, in which I was involved.

My first book was about breastfeeding, a topic close to my heart, since I had nursed all three of my children and found it a fulfilling experience. The Complete Book of Breastfeeding was published in 1972, has gone into three revised and updated editions, sold about two million copies, become a classic in the field, and is now being read by the daughters of the women who read the first edition. Sometimes when I have a bad day at my desk I look around my office and see the covers of the ten books I have written, and I get the confidence to go on with whatever I am struggling with at the moment.


I understand you are familiar with some wedding venues in Vietnam. Perhaps, you could describe one or two and indicate why they are unique?


In February 2005 Mark and I visited the city of Dalat, the "jewel" of Vietnam's central highlands. It was a popular hill station when the French controlled Vietnam and is now a favorite honeymoon spot for Vietnamese couples.

Dalat has been called Le Petit Paris, the City of Eternal Spring, and the City of Flowers. It boasts a miniature Eiffel Tower, a beautiful lake, lush gardens, a golf club, and hotels ranging from modest to magnificent. Side trips include a tour of an emperor's summer palace; a visit to a village populated by the Lat ethnic group; the Valley of Love, with paddle boats, canoes, and motorboats for rent on the lake; and a ride on a cog-railway train to a village with an ornate pagoda.


What is next for Sally Wendkos Olds?


These days I am juggling three kinds of activities: interviewing fire-fighters for an oral history project; presenting slide talks about Nepal and China and preparing one about Vietnam; and working on the manuscript of a novel that I just resurrected from my file cabinet.

Norm; Thanks once again Sally and good luck with all of your future endeavours.

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7 Key Steps to a First Time World Cruise Adventure Holiday

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Step 1. Your top consideration must be your budget. Cruise travel fares can cost you $60 to $120 per day. Almost all world travel packages takes 4 to 10 weeks though there are short trips that go from 3 to 4 weeks, bringing you to 27 nations or up to 5 continents. So when you plan on exploring the beauty of French Polynesia or go diving to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, see the enchanting landscapes of China and enjoy a shopping spree in Hong Kong, you need to make sure that you have enough money to do all that.

Step 2. Now that you have decided to spend a long holiday, you now need to find world cruise lines around your area. Thankfully, there are travel agencies and world cruise companies found at most major cities in major countries. The internet proves to be a valuable resource in this regard where you can get updated posts of year-on-year cruising schedules.

Step 3. After deciding on which cruise line to take, you now have to think of the places you wanted to visit. This could be the easiest step. All you need to do is browse some catalog and book up early. Don't hesitate to ask the assistance of an agent that specializes on world cruises.

Step 4. It is also important to know the best time to book your trip. Not only will it ensure excellent weather and climate throughout your travels but also the best deals on your intended trip. Off-season booking sure offer discounted cruising fee. This can work if you are a flexible traveler. Also, if you are traveling alone and if you chose not to share your cabin, you should prepare for a single's supplement charge, which ranges from 10 to 100 percent rate per person.

Step 5. In general, a world cruise takes 90 to 120 days. On the other hand, there are also shorter cruises for those who do not have that much time for vacation. Hence, it is important to determine that world cruise segment you can take to complement the number of days that you intend to spend on your vacation.

Step 6. Since you are to travel with a large group of people to different parts of the world, diseases can easily spread either from already sick passengers or passengers who have developed an illness while on the trip. Hence, it would be wise to take all the necessary precautions such as vaccination and arrangements to your health insurance so you will be sure taken cared for in the event of sickness.

Step 7. Lastly, since a world cruise trip takes a while to complete, you are given all the time to meet new people and make friends or strong relationships. Be nice and try to participate in the numerous onboard and onshore activities or engage into lengthy conversations or idle chat with other world cruise guests.

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Learn More about Travel Insurance

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There are a lot of people who will not travel until they get travel insurance. You may hear all the warnings that the travel agents try to show caution towards, but you will also find that you are going to be spending a lot of money and you will like to know that your investment is going to be protected.

You will first find that there maybe an unexpected problem. You will find that there are some things that could go wrong and you will want to make sure that you can get your money back. The travel insurance was created so that you can save yourself some hassle when it comes to cancellations for certain things. You may find that right before you travel you may end up becoming very ill or you may end up having to deal with something like a death in the family. There is so much that could go wrong and you would want to make sure that you get the insurance so when the unexpected happens, you are prepared for it.

For those who are traveling overseas or to other countries, you may want to look into an insurance plan that will cover you in that foreign country. You will want to see what it covers, because what you have now usually will not give you medical since many plans are not accepted in other countries. In these situations you need to have medical when you are put into an emergency. You will want to make sure that you are covered away from home. You need to make sure that you can be covered in any situation.

With the out break of terrorism, you may find that there are flights that can be booked, but it could be canceled anytime. You will fin that there are some countries that are prone to cancel and you will want to take inconsideration that there are unpredictable events in the world that could affect your trip.

Even though there are a number of reasons why you may have a closing of the airline, you will want to take inconsideration the weather conditions. You may also have to deal with something that will not be rescheduled and refunds will not be given. It is times like these that you will use the insurance to get your money back.

One of the most popular things is losing your luggage. You will find that missing a luggage is always the case if you do not carry on. This means that you will want to take the insurance out if you know the stats of the number of things that get lost in the luggage area. You will also find that there are going to be items that may be lost or stolen and the insurance will cover that as well. This is one of the reasons why you need the insurance to fly. You may pack some valuable things in your bag and when you land, have none of it. The insurance will help you to cut your costs.

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5 Important Trip Cancellation Travel Insurance Claim Tips

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When you buy trip cancellation travel insurance, you want to be sure the travel insurance pays your claim. Here are 5 things you can do to help your travel insurance claim be processed quickly and correctly:

Tip #1: If you get sick or injured prior to or on your trip, it's important you go to a doctor. If you don't go to a doctor, the insurance company won't believe you were sick or injured. Here's how the policies typically read:"For Trip Cancellation benefits, an actual examination by a licensed Physician must take place before the cancellation is made. For Trip Interruption benefits, this examination must take place during Your Trip."

Tip #2: A lot of information is required when making a claim, even a small one. Keep a log of people spoken to. Don't forget to keep receipts issued for services including items purchased if you have a travel or baggage delays.

Tip #3: If you ever need to file a claim, write a cover letter with a synopsis of your claim to send with the claim form.

Tip #4: Keep copies of everything you submit with your claim forms. You wouldn't believe how many people don't keep a copy. And, those are usually the ones whose paperwork seems to get lost in the mail!

Tip #5: If you look at a travel insurance claim form (or any insurance claim form), you'll see there's never enough room to fill in the doctor's information. Nor is there room to put the prescription information. Photocopy the doctor's business cards instead of trying to write them all on the form. And do the same with your prescriptions.

In addition, travel insurance plans give you assistance services including the use of a multi-lingual 24-Hour Emergency Hotline, which you can call collect from anywhere in the world.

Here's an important tip when calling the 24-Hour Emergency Assistance Hotline: Before you call them, get a phone number where you can receive a call. That way, if you are either unexpectedly cut off or you are incurring charges to make the call, they can call you on their own dime (at their own expense).

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Finally Traveling to the Yukon! Now What?

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For many people a trip to the Yukon is a once in a lifetime experience. People think of the midnight sunsets, endless wildlife and pristine wilderness and little about planning for the journey. As any vacation can either be enhanced or stifled by the amount of planning that one does up-front, when traveling to Canada's north it becomes even more important. Goods & services that are readily available in your hometown may not always be available in Haines Junction, Watson Lake or Dawson City. Or, if they are available they may be in limited supply or booked solid for the summer. The planning you do before your trip will go a long way in ensuring your Yukon adventure will be all that it should be.

Trip Parameters

- How much time do I have?

- What do I want to see/do? (hiking, fishing, sightseeing, canoeing, all)

- What is my budget?

- How will I travel? (Air , Car, Bus)

- What time of year will you travel?

- What level of accommodation do I need? (Hotel, B&B, Hostel, Camping)

- Do you have health restrictions?

- Do you need travel insurance?

Once you set your parameters then you can start booking hotels, cars and airfares. Draft an itinerary that you can use to help you with your bookings. The internet is a valuable tool that will allow you to decide what tours, trips and sites that will interest you the most. In addition to the internet there are many publications available that will provide you with additional information. I would highly recommend the Milepost or the Yukon Visitors Guide to anyone planning a trip to the Yukon.

Early Planning (6-2 months ahead)

- Start looking for special deals and other discounts for which you may qualify.

- Do some research on the area you'll be visiting and on the way you'll be getting there. This is especially important to start your research early if you are planning a remote tour.

- Check the valid dates on your passport if you are planning on leaving the country.

- Make reservations as soon as possible.

- Pick up a map of the Yukon to assist in planning & reservations.

Final Trip Preparation (8-1 weeks ahead)

- Know the weather, so you'll know what to expect and can pack accordingly.

- Check the valid dates on your credit card to make sure they will remain valid while you're traveling.

- Check your driver's license to make sure it will remain valid while you're traveling.

- Get traveler's checks from the bank.

- Check your insurance for expiration dates and coverage for your automobile, home and the valuables that you'll take with you, as well as those you'll leave at home.

- If traveling by car, get the car checked and have the oil changed. Don't wait until the last minute, it may take time to get an appointment and parts may need to be ordered. You also want some time to drive around town and make sure that whatever they fixed stays fixed.

With a little preparation and planning your Yukon adventure can be everything that you want it to be and more. For details on many other outdoor adventures in North America and around the world visit

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles - What is the Safest Way to Travel?

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The means that you use for travelling depend on several factors - one of which is safety. However, there are many other things one considers before travelling. The most important among these are the budget and also where you want to travel. In case of travelling within the city, trains and automobiles are used. However if you want to go to another city or country, you have the choice of travelling in a plane, train or automobile.

If you compare the three means just from the point of view of safety (leaving out variables such as the destination, distance, budget etc), then planes without a doubt are the safest way to travel. Over the decades, plane safety has considerably increased, and it is now six times better than what it used to be about 20 years ago. These improvements in safety can be credited to the advanced technology, tough competition and strict and regular industry audits and quality control checks. According to the Aviation Authorities, planes are the safest way to travel also because they have the least number of fatalities on per kilometre basis.

In spite of the safety, accidents do occur - but these are rare, and the annual number of deaths in plane accidents has decreased over the past ten years. There are many cases when fatal accidents have occurred and people became frightened of travelling in planes, but at the end of the day, planes still remain the safest means of travelling.

Trains are a convenient way of travelling and transporting goods. The number of accidents involving trains has increased over the past years. The major causes of accidents for trains are derailment, driver's error, explosions, and collapsing of bridges. One of the important factors contributing to the increasing train accidents is the increased speed of trains.

As compared to planes and trains, automobiles have the greatest statistics for accidents and fatalities all around the world. More than half the car accidents occur due to negligence on the driver's part, resulting in a large number of accident claims. The most common causes of automobile accidents are drug intake, reckless driving and intoxication.

In case of trains and planes, there is less room for any negligence on the driver's part because it is the driver who is responsible for hundreds of lives. The authorities keep a close check on the driver's alcohol intake and other health factors. According to research, in the case of plane accidents that have occurred all around the world over the last five decades, 30% of accidents were caused wholly due to pilot error, while all the other accidents were caused due to mechanical, weather or some other condition.

Ultimately, it is not always safety that we think about while travelling. Automobiles are the least safe means of travel, but they are still most widely used. The way people travel depends on their own choice, resources and preferences.

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Grey Gardens Tickets - A True Story

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Grey Gardens is a play based on the true story of two real life characters, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edith Bouvier Beale, more popularly known as Big Edie and Little Edie. Their discovery makes an interesting story. Documentary film makers, Albert and David Maysles were filming in Long Island in 1973 and they came across a dilapidated old building which they discovered belonged to the two Edies. Not only were they living in poor conditions, with over fifty cats, they were known for their eccentric behavior as well and lived in complete isolation.

The story got more interesting when the Maysles brothers discovered that they were relatives of none other than former First Lady Jackie Kennedy Onassis. They made their documentary, 'Grey Gardens', based on the lives of these two eccentric women, in 1975. Big Edie in particular had a very interesting past as she had been a very active part of high society in the pre World War I era.

The play was adapted from the documentary. It is set in two time zones, the first Act is set in 1941, when the estate was at its prime and the second Act shows the mother and daughter duo staying in the dilapidated 28-room mansion in 1973. The musical shows the hilarious as well as heartbreaking story of these two women who were known as "Jackie O's most outrageous relatives".

The two characters are brought to life on stage by Christine Ebersole as Big Edie in Act I and Little Edie in Act II, and Mary Louise Wilson as Big Edie in Act II. The two characters in the play deal with a lot of pain and heartbreak, especially Little Edie who gave up her dream of being a stage actress to stay with and take care of her aging and bed-ridden mother. The lives of the two women is portrayed in a comical and lively way, and gives a candid look at the lives of high society people and how easily they can be forgotten by the rest of the world.

The musical opened on the Broadway stage on November 2, 2006 at the Walter Kerr Theater to good reviews. It is directed by Michael Greif with music by Scott Frankel, lyrics by Michael Korie and choreography by Jeff Calhoun. The script for the stage adaptation was written by Doug Wright. The musical has won three Tony Awards. Christine Ebersole won the Tony Award for Best Leading Actress, Mary Louise Wilson won it for Best Featured Actress and the Best Costume Design award went to William Ivey Long.

'Grey Gardens' is running at the Walter Kerr Theater to rave reviews. This comic look at the lives of two eccentric women who were socialites in the past and now reduced to living in isolation with about fifty cats in a huge dilapidated mansion is a big crowd puller. The tickets can be bought at the box office for the best rates. Other options are to order tickets on the phone or order online and have them delivered to you at an extra cost.

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Travel insurance for holidays

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A family cottage rentals booked last summer, arrived safely and just loved the cottage. However, the second day of their two week stay, the mother received a phone call saying that her father was seriously ill and not expected to live. The family pack up and went home, and unfortunately, his father died a few days later. After the funeral, when the tenant to the landlord and asked what they could expect a refund, since it only had 2 days of their 14 days of posting. The owner refused to payReimbursement for the fact that to pay for the cottage rental income, the cost of their hut and it was always sold out for the season. She was not able to find a replacement holiday rental last minute and to explain the lease, if that's the case, the money must be repaid. Of course the rental group is not to have travel insurance, which is likely to travel restrictions due to disease and / or death of a close relative. TheRental cost the family about $ 4000 and were not able to recover a cent for the money.

Many people believe that travel insurance is only required when a flight is involved, which is covered by a delay, lost baggage, and the risk of failure of the airline, and insurance is required in a foreign country. Is not so important to apply or not to purchase insurance for a trip on the way to self-catering property in the same province or just take coverCountry.

Think again! Most cottage bookings are made could happen for several months in advance you book and many things to change the circumstances. Diseases of every party member, redundancy or a call to jury service are just some of the situations that would be covered by travel insurance. Some insurance companies also offer a "change of mind clause" so that have been made to cancel for any reason after a bookingpaid in full. This typically pays for a quantity sufficient for a penalty for the estate agent or owner may apply.

If you book your vacation rental, check the owners or agents of cancellation carefully. If it is not clear, ask yourself the question. In general, the majority of home owners and rental agencies to try to make a property if the reprogramming of its suppression, and you have your money for the period rebooked, less a cancellation fee.

The premium paidfor travel insurance becomes less important, the more you pay, but is useful at any price, for your safety.

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